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© 2004-08 Sergei Haller
  • Groups: (reductive) Algebraic Groups and Groups of Lie type over arbitrary fields, Twisted Forms
  • Compuitational Algebra: Symbolic computation and algorithms for computing in reductive groups of Lie type (twisted and untwisted) over arbitrary fields.
Publications and theses
  • MathSciNet entry: [indexed items]
  • An implementation of the root subgroups of an E6-quadrangle in the Chevalley group E6(E) (with Anja Steinbach), Mitt. Math. Sem. Giessen, 255 (2005)
  • Unipotent groups of twisted groups of Lie type.
  • Unipot [Link]
  • Coauthor of Lie Theory part of Magma [Link]
Conferences and Talks
  • Computation in groups of Lie type. 50th Annual Meeting of the Australian Mathematical Society, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia (25.09-29.09.2006)
  • Groups of Lie type in Magma. Magma 2006 Conference, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany (30.07-02.08.2006) [ Slides ]
  • Lie Theory in Magma: New Algorithms. Computational Algebra Seminar, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia (06.07.2006)
  • Twisted forms of linear algebraic groups: Relative root subgroups. Magma Workshop on Group Theory and Algebraic Geometry, University of Warwick, Coventry, Great Britain (22.08-26.08.2005) [ Abstract | Slides | Presentation ]
  • Twisted forms of linear algebraic groups: Some aspects of computation. Intercity number theory seminar. Eindhoven, Netherlands (05.11.2004) [ Abstract ]
  • Galois cohomology: some aspects of computation and applications. Ninth Rhine Workshop on Computer Algebra. Nijmegen, Netherlands (25.03-26.03.2004) [ Abstract ]
  • Computations in Algebraic Groups. Second Sino-German Workshop in Representation Theory and Theory of Finite Groups. Goslar, Germany (09.02-13.02.2004) [ Abstract ]
  • Effective Galois cohomology - Induced and extended cocycles. EIDMA Seminar Combinatorial Theory, Eindhoven, Netherlands (12.11.2003)
  • On the UNIPOT package for unipotent subgroups of Chevalley groups. EIDMA Seminar Combinatorial Theory, Eindhoven, Netherlands (12.09.2001)
  • Entwicklung und Implementierung eines Algorithmuses zur Berechnung von Kommutatoren unipotenter Elemente in Chevalley-Gruppen. Studentenkonferenz im Rahmen der DMV-Tagung 2000. Dresden, Germany (21.09-22.09.2000) [ Slides ]
  • 7th Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium (ANTS VII). Berlin, Germany (23.07 - 28.07.2006)
  • Buildings, Groups and Algebras, a conference in honour of Jacques Tits. Ghent, Belgium (14.10 - 15.10.2005)
  • Groups and Geometries, a tribute to Francis Buekenhout. Bruxelles, Belgium (21.11 - 22.11.2003)
  • EIDMA 2003 Symposium. Mierlo, Netherlands (13.11 - 14.11.2003)
  • Gruppen und Geometrien. Oberwolfach, Germany (01.09. - 06.09.2002)
  • GGG: Groups, Graphs and Geometries. Eindhoven, Netherlands (23.05. - 24.05.2002)
  • Workshop Buildings & Polygons. Würzburg, Germany (24.09. - 27.09.2001)
  • Norddeutsches Gruppentheorie-Kolloquium. Kassel, Germany (22.06. - 23.06.2001)
  • DMV-Tagung 2000. Dresden, Germany (18.09-22.09.2000)
Research Visits
  • 16.01.2006 - ...
  • 16.08 - 26.09.2004
  • Numerous one to two week long visits (September 2002 - Octpber 2005).
  • 20.05 - 25.05.2002
  • 09.09 - 14.09.2001
  • 29.01 - 03.02.2001
Real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time.
-- Terry Pratchett, Hogfather